Minutes of the 49th Annual General Meeting of the Association held at The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders on Thursday, 30th November 2023 at 7.30pm
Alison Hudson (in the chair);
Ken Moser, Peter Randall, Les Smith, Val Walden (Committee members)
Cllrs Moira Butt and David Hicks
Mary Moser, Roger Learney, Peter Tallboys (residents)
The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting.
The Chairman reported the following apologies for absence:
Sudha Agrawal, Ramesh Agrawal, Kathy Powell, Carole Parnell (Committee members)
Elliot Colburn MP
Cllr Tim Crowley
The Metropolitan Police
Neil Garrett
It was proposed By Ken Moser, seconded by Peter Tallboys and resolved:
that the Minutes of the 48th AGM held on 25th November 2022 be approved as a correct record.
There were no matters arising.
The meeting noted that the accounts had been included in the autumn newsletter and that copies had been laid around the room. It was reported that income from subscriptions in 2023 had broadly covered expenditure and that the bank account retained a healthy balance.
In response to a question, the Chair reported that work on the Residents’ Cookbook continued although it was extremely time intensive.
It was then proposed by Les Smith, seconded by Val Walden and resolved:
that the audited accounts for the year ending 30th September 2023 be approved.
The Chairman reported on activities for the year (copy attached to the Minutes).
A resident reported a serious and hazardous issue of glass bottle dumping in Southway. Cllr David Hicks advised that each instance should be reported through the ‘Report It’ link on the Council website.
It was proposed by Les Smith, seconded by Mary Moser and resolved:
that the following officers be elected for the year 2023/24:
Chairman: Alison Hudson
Treasurer: Kathy Powell
Secretary: Sudha Agrawal
It was proposed by Roger Learney, seconded by Peter Tallboys and resolved:
that the following district representatives be elected for the year 2023/24:
Fairway District: Ken Moser
Pine Walk District: Val Walden
The Warren District: Ramesh Agrawal
Barrow Hedges District: Peter Randall
Wellfield District: Les Smith & Carole Parnell
The meeting noted that the Committee intended to bring a resolution to an Extraordinary General Meeting to change the date of the AGM to the spring/early summer in the hope that this would encourage more residents to attend.
A resident reported the contents of a letter from the police detailing the activities of the local Safer Neighbourhood Team, whose current focus was violence against women, burglary and vehicle theft. The local sergeant, Will Blaxoe, was always available for contact by phone or email. The local liaison committee met every three months and was keen to recruit new members.
In response to comments on the state of the High Street, one of the Councillors reported that the Council intended to move into offices in the St Nicholas Centre, with the current town hall site probably to be sold for redevelopment. The north end of the High Street was also to be redeveloped for housing. The Council had money to improve the High Street and residents were encouraged to report any issues of littering, anti-social behaviour etc through the ‘Report It’ link.
In response to comments on the overgrown grass and hedging on Pine Walk and Wellfield Gardens, and the path at the rear of Sunnymede, which was a danger to sightlines, it was noted that this appeared to be the result of the Council’s policy of ‘rewilding’. The grass had only recently been cut. The trees at the junction of Downs Road and Banstead Road were also considered to cause problems. Issues should again be reported through the website.
In response to a comment on the overgrown bus stop on Chiltern Road, it was noted that the stop had now been removed by Transport for London.
In response to a request for views on the proposed siting of the Cancer Hub at the Royal Marsden, residents reported that there were already problems with street parking in the vicinity and this would exacerbate the issue. Residents were encouraged to respond to the current consultation.
Cllr Moira Butt reported that it was proposed that the current bus route from Victoria to Gatwick would no longer call at Sutton. The service was looking for additional funding.
There being no other business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 8:30pm.