The name of the Association is the "Carshalton Beeches Residents' Association".
The area covered by the Association is shown on the sketch map bounded by the heavy line displayed under 'Contacts and Area' on the Association's website. The area is divided into four districts for administrative convenience.
The objects of the Association are as follows:
a) To promote and enhance the local residential interests of all residents.
b) To help preserve the semi-rural character of the area.
c) To monitor and where necessary take an active interest in all traffic, planning and other proposals which could adversely impact the environment of the area and draw them to the attention of
residents who could be affected.
d) To stimulate interest in local affairs and provide opportunities for residents to make known their views in regard to them.
The activities of the Association are non-political and non-sectarian. However, nothing in this rule prevents the Association from supporting Residents' Association Candidates at local government elections and for this purpose the Executive Committee may appoint a member as a delegate to an appropriate election committee.
Membership is limited to permanent adult residents in the area and new members are deemed to have joined on receipt of their first annual subscription
The annual subscription is three pounds (£3) per household, payable upon joining and thereafter in April in every year and will entitle the member's household to participate in any of the
activities of the Association.
A household's membership will lapse if their subscription falls more than 12 months in arrears. Each household may on written application to the Secretary receive a copy of the Constitution and Rules
of the Association which are displayed on the Association's website.
The amount of the annual subscription is subject to review annually by the Executive Committee, and any recommended alteration to the subscription is subject to the approval of the next following
Annual General Meeting.
The Officers of the Association consist of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom are elected at the Annual General Meeting from amongst members. They hold office until the next following
Annual General Meeting and are then eligible for re-election.
The Executive Committee has the power to appoint a member temporarily to fill a vacancy in the Officers which occurs other than at an Annual General Meeting.
a) The business of the Association is to be conducted by the Executive Committee consisting of the Officers of the Association and four District Representatives, one for each of the four districts of
the Association elected from amongst members at the Annual General Meeting.
b) Each District Representative may co-opt a member as Assistant District Representative to assist and deputise for him or her. He or she may also co-opt road stewards for road sections in his or her
c) Four members of the Executive Committee of which one shall be an Officer of the Association will form a quorum at committee meetings. Absence from three consecutive Executive Committee meetings
without an acceptable explanation will be deemed to imply resignation from the Executive Committee. The Committee shall have power to co-opt additional members as necessary and to appoint sub
d) The first members of the Executive Committee were elected at the Inaugural Meeting on 6 November 1973 together with co-opted members and acted as the Executive Committee until the first Annual
General Meeting.
The Executive Committee may elect a Vice-Chairman from among their number, who can deputise for the Chairman in the latter's absence.
A qualified accountant will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and hold the appointment until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. The Accountant's role is to carry out an independent examination of the Association's Annual Accounts prior to their presentation for members' approval at the Annual General Meeting.
Written accounts will be kept by the Treasurer of all sums of money received and expended by the Association. The Annual Accounts will be prepared by the Treasurer and examined by the Accountant and placed before the Annual General Meeting.
The Executive Committee has the power to raise funds to further the objects of the Association. The funds of the Association will be deposited in a bank and instructions concerning the bank account may only be given by the Chairman and/or the Treasurer in accordance with the Bank's mandate.
No expense may be incurred in the name of the Association unless authorised beforehand by the Executive Committee.
The first Annual General Meeting was held in October 1974. Thereafter the Annual General Meeting will be held on a date not later than the last day of November each year. The notice convening the
Annual General Meeting will be accompanied by the following:
a) The annual report, drafted by the Executive Committee.
b) The audited Accounts for the year ended 30 September are to be posted on the website as soon as possible after the 30 September to enable members to view them ahead of the Annual General
c) The Agenda for the Meeting.
Nominations for election of Officers and District Representatives may be received before or at the Annual General Meeting but are to be accompanied by the Candidate's affirmation of his or her willingness to stand for election. Additional items for inclusion in the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting must be received in writing by the Secretary not later than one week before the meeting. A vote cannot be taken at any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting on any matter not included in the Agenda unless the Chairman decides otherwise.
At least twenty-one days' notice in writing will be given to all members of Annual General Meetings. A quorum for Annual General Meetings or Extraordinary General Meetings will be fifteen members.
All meetings of the Association, other than Annual General Meetings, will be Extraordinary General Meetings and may be held as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee or on a requisition to the Executive Committee signed by not less than fifteen members. Not less than one week's notice will be given of the holding of an Extraordinary General Meeting and items to be included in the Agenda will be published to members not less than one week before the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
At Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings every member household will be entitled to one vote on every motion. Proxy voting is not permissible.
The liability of all members is limited to the amount of their Annual Subscription.
The Executive Committee are able to decide what other activities may be undertaken by the Association provided such activities do not conflict with the Objects of the Association.
In the event of a winding-up of the Association, the Association's funds, after settlement of all its debts and liabilities shall, so far as is practicable, be distributed in equal amounts to all those members whose subscriptions are paid up at the date of the Winding-Up Resolution is passed.. Should such a distribution be impracticable the Association's funds will be disposed of in accordance with the terms of a Resolution to be passed at the same Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting as the Winding-Up Resolution is passed.
No alterations, amendments or additions to this Constitution and Rules may be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for such a purpose. Any changes must be supported by at least two thirds of those members present and voting.
Where doubt on the interpretation of any Rules of the Association is expressed at any meeting after due discussion the ruling of the Chairman shall be final.